Challenge Coin Gifting

Custom Challenge Coin Gifting Etiquette That You Should Stick To Today

One of your friends has a birthday coming up. You have no idea what to give them, but you do know that they tend to collect military memorabilia.

Why not give them a custom challenge coin? It’s a timeless tradition that goes all the way back to the Roman empire.

They’re given to members of military units to establish camaraderie. There’s also a neat drinking game that surrounds them.

Before giving your friend a challenge coin, there are a few rules you’ll have to familiarize yourself with. Check out this guide to learn everything you need to know about gifting etiquette.

What Is a Coin Challenge? 

A coin challenge is a fun drinking game that occurs when someone issues a check and slams their coin down on a table. Everyone else has to then show off their coin.

If there’s someone who can’t produce a coin, they have to buy everyone a round of drinks. If everyone present has a coin, the person who issued the challenge will have to buy the drinks.

Explain the Rules

You can’t hand someone a challenge coin and issue a challenge right after. You only have a certain amount of time to take out your coin.

If the newbie is unprepared, they won’t be able to get theirs out before everyone else. That means they’ll lose and have to buy the drinks. It’s not fair.

You’ve got to take the time to explain the rules to them first. It helps if you know the rules yourself.

Keep Your Coin Close

A challenge can creep up on you at any moment. Since you lose automatically if it takes you more than a handful of steps to get to your coin, you must always have it on you.

The good news is that if you’re caught without your coin, you can only be challenged a single time. That means you’ll only have to buy one round of drinks.

Be Cautious With Your Challenges

You should always be a little cautious when you issue a challenge. Again, if all your friends are able to produce a coin, you’ll lose and have to buy a round of drinks for the table.

Don’t Hand Over Your Coin

When you take out your coin to answer or issue a challenge, slap it down on the table. Don’t hand it to another person.

If you place it in someone’s palm, that means you’re gifting them your coin. Your friends can pick it up off the table to look at it, but they’re required to put it right back in the same spot.

Try Not to Lose Your Coin

If you happen to lose your coin, you’ll have to replace it. Anyone can issue a challenge at any time.

You’re not exempt from showing your coin. If you lost it, that sucks for you. You’ll still have to buy a round of drinks.

When to Give Someone a Coin? 

Challenge coins make one of the best types of gifts. Custom coins are perfect for collectors.

Most of the time, they’re given to someone after they hit a great achievement. They were popularized by the military, but anyone can receive one.

For example, they’re often distributed to firefighters and members of the police force.

Some companies give them out at trade shows because they’re more interesting than traditional business cards. It’s less likely that they’ll end up in the garbage can.

Some organizations sell them to raise money for their cause. Bosses sometimes give them to employees who reach a milestone or complete a huge project.

How to Give a Coin

Once you’ve decided to give your bestie a challenge coin, you must hand it to them the right way. Gifting etiquette says that you have to be as subtle as possible about it.

Place the coin in the palm of your hand and transfer it to your friend via a handshake. Nobody should be able to see what you’re slipping into the recipient’s hand.

Custom Challenge Coins Aren’t Jewelry

It’s important to note that challenge coins aren’t equal to jewelry. Puncturing a hole in it is seen as a huge act of disrespect.

So, you shouldn’t turn the coin into a necklace and give it to your friend unless your plan is to place it in a clear pouch that can double as one.

Clean Challenge Coins 

Let’s say that your friend’s challenge coin comes in the mail a bit dirty. Letting it stay that way is disrespectful. You’ll need to clean it before you transfer it over to them.

There are multiple ways you can go about it. If the coin is only a bit dusty, running it underwater will do the trick.

If the coin is covered in grime, place it in a plastic container full of soap and water. Shake the container around a bit before removing the coin.

You should be able to remove the now loose dirt and grime by rinsing the coin underwater.

Custom Challenge Coin Etiquette Rules to Live By

Are you looking for an awesome gift for your friend who collects military memorabilia? Consider getting them a custom challenge coin.

It’s a great way to honor your loved one and get them involved with an age-old tradition.

Just make sure that you tell them what a coin challenge is before you issue one. Catching a newbie off guard with a challenge is a huge etiquette no-no.

For more gift-giving ideas that will help you and your loved one stay best friends forever, feel free to explore the rest of our blog.

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