An Introduction to Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)

Did you know that over one million Americans suffer from hypogonadism, also known as low testosterone? If you’re looking to build mass and strength at the gym, testosterone is a vital hormone for both aspects. Having a low testosterone level then results in losing out on gains and possibly even muscle atrophy.

There are ways to alleviate the loss of testosterone, some of which are catered to older people as hormone loss increases with age. Yet, these are often steroids meaning they come with a handful of negative side effects.

That’s where SARMs come in! SARMs are in continuous study as a safe alternative to steroids. If you’re interested in learning more about what SARMs can do, keep reading!

What are SARMs?

SARMs stand for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. That’s a mouthful, so we’ll just keep calling them SARMs for short.

These supplements are a category of therapeutic compounds that have anabolic properties similar to those found in steroids. The main difference is the lack of androgenic properties that result in exaggerated ‘male’ symptoms such as aggression, alopecia, irritation, fluid loss, and acne.

The term ‘selective androgen’ comes from how these compounds interact with the body. Androgen receptors work by binding with androgens (hormones) such as testosterone. One of the problems with anabolic steroids is that they bind to receptors throughout the entire body.

SARMs only bind to specific tissues. This makes them a potentially beneficial bodybuilding supplement as they can enhance hypertrophy (muscle growth) in a certain area without affecting other parts of the body such as the liver.

SARMS vs. Steroids in Terms of Legality

As of now, all SARMS are labeled as ‘investigational drugs’ meaning that they are not FDA-approved nor can be prescribed. However, they can be used recreationally if they are 1) used as ‘research chemicals’ and 2) the individual taking it is aware of the side effects and consents to consuming.

They, alongside steroids, are on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)’s banned list for use in athletes.

Individual results vary, so be sure to look for reviews from different sources. If you decide to try them out, you can find SARMs for sale by visiting here.

Are SARMs Safe?

As with all supplements that are not FDA-approved, extreme care should be taken when using SARMs. Always, and we say always, speak to a registered doctor or physician first before trying these out.

Right now, it is difficult to gauge the safety of SARMs. They are very beneficial for gymgoers, with many who have used them saying they saw significant changes in both strength and physique. Though, the adverse effects often outweigh the gains.

A few cases show only minor symptoms such as headaches, nausea, or general anxiety. In other cases, SARMs side effects have been much more severe and even deadly.

These include:

  • Mood swings
  • Acne
  • Reduced testicular size
  • Liver damage
  • Stroke

It is best advised that you take these very lightly. Do not overdo them. It’s probably best if (you decide to use them) that you take a small dose for a short while.

Different Types of SARMs

Just like any other supplement, SARMs are quite diverse. Below is a list of some of the more well-known SARMs types.

  • Ostarine (MK2866 and Enobosarm)
  • S23
  • Andarine (S24)
  • LGD-3033
  • LGD-4033
  • TT-701

Some steroids and other supplements are also labeled as SARMs, so just be wary of what you are buying.

Trying out SARMs for Men’s Health

The research for SARMs is still young and ongoing, so be careful about where you get your information. Alongside that, be extra careful about where you get your products! Make sure everything is third-party certified, pure, and tested.

Looking for more tips on living a healthy lifestyle? Visit the health section of our blog!


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